BULK BLASTINGG.T. Drilling is a blasting company and offers bulk blasting for the Mining and Quarrying industry as well as the civil industry. Bulk blasting can also be referred to cast blasting which literary means to throw. Cast blasting is popular in coal mines where the need exists to blast large amounts of overburden and coal. |
Cast Blasting operations aim to achieve the optimum fragmentation of the blasted product that will be easily hauled and crushed to the final desired product. G.T. Drilling makes use of tried and tested blast calculations to achieve this. |
G.T Drilling is also involved in quarry blasting such as dimension stone quarries. Bulk Blasting requirements in quarry operations include the removal of large amount of rock and rubble in order to expose a solid rock formation which is suitable for the dimension stone industry. |
Bulk Blasting is also typically found in the civil engineering/construction industry. The aim of bulk blasting in the civil industry is mainly to remove large quantities of rock, for the purpose of preparing or levelling a construction site and not to expose a mineral or rock formation. |

CIVIL BLASTINGThe sole purpose of civil blasting is for breaking, removing, excavating or demolishing rock and concrete of various sizes and amounts. Civil blasting requires a different license to mine licenses. |
The challenge in civil blasting is that more accuracy is required since many civil operations are in or close to public infrastructure. G.T Drilling has a joint venture with a number of blasting companies who are specialists in this field. |

CIVIL BLASTING – ROAD CUTTINGWith the current infrastructure growth seen in South Africa, G.T Drilling has been involved in many road construction projects. To ensure better road preparations blasting is required for the planned road to maintain a certain level or to excavate hard rock found under the planned road. |
The most challenging aspect of road cutting for any blasting company is blasting through slopes, hills or large rock formations. G.T Drilling believes the trick here lies with the choice of perfect drilling, leaving symmetrical drill lines in the completed face or for the more natural look where there are very few drill lines visible only rugged rock formations. |

CIVIL BLASTING – TrenchesOne of the most common requirements for civil blasting companies is to excavate hard rock through trench blasting. Trenches are usually dug to create infrastructure such as reticulation systems, electricity etc. G.T Drilling has developed unique trench drilling and blasting methodologies and techniques, working with specialist companies, to ensure that the correct level is maintained while safely and quickly blasting away rock. |
CIVIL BLASTING – rock breaking/splittingRock blasting or breaking is also a common form of blasting with the aim to break boulders or concrete into smaller pieces, which will ease the debris removal by standard construction equipment such as TLB’s. The challenge of blasting companies is to break exposed rock and boulders with very few explosives. Too much explosives will generate large amounts of fly rock endangering humans and buildings. |